

足球英语演讲(足球英语演讲ppt背景)摘要: many basketboys always say football is a tedious game ,watching 22 people running and runn...

many basketboys always say football is a tedious game ,watching 22 people running and running but a goal for a long long time is really annoying thing·and many footboys does not be convinced neither,they say there is just 10 person fighting in a tiny room with a basketball。

译文 快乐的周末 在周末,玲玲和大明骑着自行车去了苍圣公园那天天气晴朗它是一个很大的公园许多人在里面游玩在结束一周的学习之后,他们来这进行一番短暂的休息一些男孩子在草地上踢足球,一些女孩在唱歌跳舞一位老人在在大树下读报纸,一个年轻妇女和她的小儿子在玩玩具车他们每一。


commonly known by the acronym FIFA The most prestigious international football competition is the FIFA World Cup, held every four years This event, the most widely viewed in the world, boasts an audience twice that of the Summer Olympic Games协会足球,更常见的如足球或足球着称。

1863年10月26日,英国人在伦敦皇后大街 弗里马森旅馆成立了世界第一个足球协会英格兰足球协会会上除了宣布英格兰足协正式成立之外,制定和通过了世界第一部较为统一的足球竞赛规则,并以文字形式记载下来 英格兰足球协会的诞生,标志着足球运动的发展进入了一个崭新的阶段因而,人们公认1863年10月。

足球FootballFootball is connected with the people throughout the worldIt has become a part of people#39s lifeEvery day, man,Football is the most popular ball in the world More and more people like watching football matches They can#39t sleep or eat when their teams are。




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